Today my dad would be 66. The day after Valentine’s day always has a weird feeling. Not overly sad or anything. Just weird. I associate today with happy things.

Strawberry cake with strawberry icing. I attempted it once on college and failed. I really should try again. Maybe make it a tradition every year and use it to teach the boys about the Grandad they never met.

So while today I am taking a sick day with a horrible cold, I thought I would go through my dad’s scrapbook and share some photos. Quality is gonna blow because I am taking them with my phone but whatever. Let’s stroll down memory lane, shall we?

First up, you think Ollie is my mini-me? Ahem 


Midway between both boys in weight…taller in height.

I mean…cmon. How fucking cute is that?


Teen years…


70’s man…



Then there was ME! Top right is Ollie duplicate.20130215-105100.jpg

Dear Nitro Circus, I got this20130215-105124.jpg

THERE USED TO BE GOOD SNOW IN NC20130215-105145.jpg

4 thoughts on “66

  • February 15, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    Man, what a trip. That pea coat jacket picture could be Landon (complete with swagger, of course).

    I love you, girl. xoxo

  • February 15, 2013 at 11:05 pm

    What a treasure having that scrapbook. The photo in the peacoat is killing me – love it. Glad “happy things” is part of today. Big hugs. And you should totally start a strawberry cake tradition.

  • February 18, 2013 at 2:02 pm

    Just ran across this! I started to call you on Friday, but didn’t want to possibly upset your day. I’d forgotten about those pictures of him as a little boy. Maybe sometime you can send some to me, as I used all of them in the scrapbook. Love Mom.


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