First Day of Pre-K

So apparently yesterday was Landon’s first official day of “school”. Yeah we forgot. They have “summer camp” all summer but really started “school routine” yesterday. Whoops. When I got the newsletter at lunchtime, I realized my mistake but then I stopped in my tracks:


I know, I know. He will never get into a good college now. Never learn to read. He is most certainly never going to date. I have stunted him before grade school. FOR SHAME. Facebook would shun me to Myspace and surely my Pinterest account would be revoked.

So after dinner, I gave my kid 2 starbursts and told him to pose for pictures for you.


But internet, I love you and your shared snark for all things parenting…so we made the signs we really want to see fill our Facebook timeline.

outlets lineleadercoldcirclesboogershashtag percy::drops mic::

P.S. Thanks to all that helped me snark this trend up.

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