My goodness that was hard…
So I think I can officially make it to 12 weeks to tell people. Last night we went to dinner with another couple we know. She is 23 weeks prego and we haven’t seen them since she got pregnant. I listened to the EXACT same things Kevin saying coming out of Joey’s mouth and vice versa with Joelle and me. I was about to bust. If they aren’t suspicious, I would be surprised. It was fun to listen to her though. Made me so excited and Kevin said he can’t wait for my pregnant bump :).
On another note, when we were at the doctor, he told me that most pregnancy books out there are more for you to worry about…and I had already figured this out. They are written by some neurotic people who worry about EVERYTHING. No one needs that. He recommended one book: The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy. So I picked it up from Barnes and Noble Thursday. It is GREAT. It is a woman with 4 kids and all the tales from her pregnancy and her friends’. It is very funny and matter of fact. It talks about all the stuff you are thinking and experiencing but not in a text book kinda way. She talks to you like she has known you for years. Here is an example:
“One of the most common changes in the pregnant woman’s body is in her breasts. The newly pregnant woman often gets the same puffy breasts that she gets premenstrually, but the consensus among the Girlfriends is that these breasts are a lot more sensitive. In fact, taking a shower can be agonizing if you face the stream of water, sleeping on your stomach becomes unbearable and if your husband should happen to touch your breasts you will feel completely justified in hitting him with the bedside lamp. Not only are they sensitive and sore, but they are getting bigger and bigger every day. The good news, especially for those of us who have always secretly longed to be big busty gals, is that they will continue to grow, and they will stop hurting eventually. In a month or so, you and your husband will have a nice new set of playthings.”
And on that note…I need to shop for a new sports bra…