I am going to shout it from the roof tops….

….everyone should watch Dexter. I don’t know if I have ever been so consumed by a television show. In January during the writer’s strike, CBS started showing Dexter on Sunday nights. I had always thought the idea was cool so we tuned in…and we were hooked. We couldn’t wait for the next week. One weekend we rented the entire 1st season and never left our PJs. It was awesome. It has incredible suspense, great dialogue, a super cute main character, and free of FCC editing! Last week, we saw that season 2 was out on DVD and promptly bought it. We watched it as much as possible and finished last night. The second season was just as good as the first. It was magnificent!
For those of you who have no idea about the show, it is based on the book Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. The main character is Dexter Morgan. He is a serial killer who works as a blood spatter analyst for the Miami police department. The catch is, he kills only people who have gotten off for murder. Usually it is from some clerical error in court or some lack of evidence. He also has a crazy cast of characters including his adoptive sister, cop buddies, his doe-eyed girl friend, and her 2 adorable kids.
Now for the fun Kevin Bacon element. Michael C. Hall is the actor who plays Dexter. He grew up right here in Raleigh. Well my friend at work, Ralph, (hi Ralph!) is only a few degrees away! His wife grew up in Raleigh and her family and Hall’s family knew one another. His mom still works as a high school guidance counselor at Rolesville High and Ralph’s wife is one at Holly Springs. So this week she emailed “Dexter’s mom” and told her how much she loves watching the show. She replied that apparently most of her friends don’t like watching it because of the personal connection but she said he would be happy to hear it. How cool is that? Maybe not that cool to you, but Kevin and I enjoyed it J.
Anyway, go out and rent Dexter…it is awesome…and it is even making us contemplate getting Showtime to get season 3…..hmmmmm