Random Little Things
So I haven’t kept up with listing EVERYTHING about pregnancy because I feel some of them are too trivial…so they all go in 1 post! Here are some happenings going on with me:
1. My nails grow incredibly fast.
2. Kegels make me feel weird and anxious…but apparently that means I am doing it right?
3. I LOVE my maternity pants. People are noticing my bump now and it is great 🙂
4. I have not broken down into crying spells like everyone says I will…still waiting…
5. I feel the baby moving about everyday now. Feels like gas and popcorn…kinda weird.
6. My boobs don’t hurt anymore…they are just gigantic.
7. My feet are turning out…I am in the pre-waddle stage. This also makes my inner thighs hurt after running…so weird.
Well that was my quick update. Now I am off to have my lucky charms 🙂