Landon’s Book of the Week – I Spy Little Animals
Recently, Landon is really into books. He is focusing on 1 book at a time…and there is no rhyme or reason. Anyway, I figured I would have a little fun and try to offer a weekly book review by Mr. LT. So here we go…week 1.
The book is a visual treasure trove. Even the cover is filled with all kinds of things. I could listen to my mom and dad read this over and over again…and usually they do! The page with the balls is my absolute favorite. There is even a page with a bunny with red eyes. It is pretty freaky…I make mom push that page faster. The page about the zebra truck cracks me up. The editors MUST know that it isn’t a real “animal”. I find the “starfish star” is in there for a cheap rhyme. Also 2 ducks? Cmon. You couldn’t come up with another animal? Overall, I can say that I enjoy this book…every night…multiple times. I give it 3.5 out of 5 cheerios.