
Are you familiar with the Backyardigans? You should be. They are 5 cute little characters that play pretend in their backyard. They can sing like no other too! Anyways, one date night, we were killing time at Barnes and Noble and ran across the collection of stuffed animals from the show. Which one to pick? Austin is a purple Kangaroo who sometimes gets left out….but no. Tasha is a sassy hippo…but no. Tyrone is a cool, hip moose….but no. Uniqua is, well we aren’t really sure what she is…so no. Then there is Pablo. He definitely seems like the cool one that gets the best parts. He seems like a leader and he has some sweet dance moves! So we picked Pablo.
Landon loves Pablo. Pablo, or as Landon says it, ‘pab-o’ sleeps with him every night and accompanies him to breakfast most mornings. He goes outside, gets thrown around, chewed on and hugged many times over. He asks for him right when he gets out of the bath and he is showered with kisses when he comes out of the crib. Landon has mastered playing with him tucked under his arm and he has stopped many-a-tantrum. So we thank you Pablo…welcome to the family. We just need to remember to get you a clone….
Since the Backyardigans have been our family for the past 8 years, we decide by consensus that Uniqua is a bug……runner up was a pig; but she doesn’t have the nose or tail for that one 🙂 so bug won out!
Noah adores his Pab-o as well 🙂
Backyardigans rule!
Alexa LOVES Uniqua, I actually looked it up…she’s not supposed to be anything. I still think she looks like an alien. We watch a TON of Backyardigans. It was one of the few kids shows that I kinda liked before I had any of my own. We even have a Pablo doll that Alexa picked out to give to her sister once she’s born 🙂 I wish they would go on tour so we could go see them live.