Flashback Friday – Let’s talk about boobs
I see I got your attention. This is a little bit of a mashup of posts. First off it is World Breastfeeding Week! Thanks to SAS for reminding me (see it is awesome here). I know some people are new to the blog and some of those being new mommies or soon to be mommies. For WBW, I thought I would compile a quick synopsis of my experience breastfeeding and then link to my old posts when I was in the throws of it. So WBW, meet Flashback Friday.
If you have read many of my posts, you will see I liked bulleted lists. Hey I’m busy, you’re busy. Lets get down to brass tax. Here is what I will note about breastfeeding:
- We started within the hour Landon was born. It was weird and foreign…but I knew it was the right thing to do.
- It hurt at first. I think that line of “if it hurts, something is wrong” is a little blurry. At first, it sure as shit is going to hurt. You have never had that kinda assault before. Hang in there, if it still feels like daggers at day 3, get that checked out.
- I asked A LOT of questions. I was geared up to start a revolution in that hospital. I was told ahead of time by podcasts, websites, books, etc. that the hospital staff would try and make me cave to formula. They would destroy what I wanted unless I came in with guns blazing. Fortunately for me, the hospital couldn’t have been better. I had nurses with BF knowledge 24 hours a day. I didn’t see the actual lactation consultant until the last day, but it didn’t matter because every one was so great. But I wasn’t shy. If it felt wrong, I asked. If it felt right, I asked. I didn’t want to leave that room thinking “i wonder…” Stand up for yourself and be selfish. This is all about you and that baby.
- We breastfed for 15 months.
- I went back to work at 10 weeks and pumped until 1 year.
- I supplemented with formula around 4 months because I couldn’t pump enough and I was going bat shit crazy trying to do so. I don’t regret it.
- I had a hard time with pumping supply and pumped usually 4 times a day for 30-40 minutes at a time.
- I had amazing support in the workplace. We have lactation consultants on staff and free healthcare visits. I think I went 3 or 4 times while on maternity leave to make sure we had it right. I could just go use the lactation room and weigh him if I was feeling antsy. I even had random employees and cafe staff offer their offices and fridges when I needed to pump during training.
- I never got mastitis. One plugged duct once but we worked it out quickly. Really mild thrush at the very beginning.
- I breastfed in public but wish I would have been more willing to do it more. I want to applaud a BFing mom anytime I see her.
- 2 things I wish: I would have started pumping from day 1 to build up supply and I wish I would have taken more pictures of us bonding like that.
I could go on and on but you can read more here or feel free to leave a comment or email me! I have learned of new resources since Landon that I know I will use next time!
Pumping and finding the right bottle
A shout out to the Breastfeeding cafe in Cary
Hi Brandy,
I come from a family of women who all breastfed. Even I was breastfed and knew without a doubt that when I had my first baby (13 yrs ago) I too would breastfeed.
I was blessed with the ease that it took my son and I to bond and build a wonderful nursing experience.
However, one night when my son was about 2 months old I became suddenly ill. I was hot, feverish, and my body ached everywhere. I thought I was coming down with the flu. When my son woke up to nurse that evening and latched on to my left breast it felt like I had been stabbed I was wincing in pain and had no idea how all of the sudden nursing could become so painful.
After more nursing followed by more pain I put a call into my doctor. I was told it sounded like a blocked duct or mastitis and that I needed to nurse through it and within a few days it should get better.
It did get better. Only I got mastitis 3 more times durning our year of nursing. It was truly a test of my will and desire to continue to breastfeed beyond the pain.
I am glad I did and had tremendous support. I feel very lucky because I hear so many stories that do not have the same outcome. So many women give up too soon because of lack of knowledge or support from their husbands, family members, or friends.
I went on to breastfeed my 2nd child and now I am not only breastfeeding my newest baby, but also am pumping for preemies to donate my extra milk.
I wish everyone was a fortunate as me to have an outpouring of support. To those who may not I encourage reaching out to support groups and other women who have breastfed. It isn’t easy and there will be days when you wish you could get a break, but the reward and the experience you get from bonding with your baby is indescribable. 🙂
Thank you for your comment! I am so glad you are doing so well and go you with the extra pumping! I dreamed of a freezer stash…but alas….YAY boobies!
I’ve never breastfed. Because I don’t have a baby. But I admire Moms who do. I know it’s hard, time consuming and a huge commitment. I applaud your 15 months!
Harper nursed for just over a year. I was hoping she stick to one session a day for a while but she started to let me know that I wasn’t really producing much anymore. She sat up from nursing one day and signed milk to me 🙂 I had plugged ducts quite a bit and an oversupply from pumping from day 1, so not sure I’d recommend that. Or maybe just not pumping as often as I was in the early days. I’ll definitely nurse all of my children and have a great bond with Harper.
Yeah LT was similar with knowing. He did that to me near the end and I teared up. He just signed and said “Mama milk?” Killed me. but we phased it out on his own and never looked back. I was happy to have my body back too.
The pumping is funny. I felt like I just didn’t get the hang of it right on maternity leave and then it was kinda too late. I was never engorged…never felt SUPER FULL. May just be my genes. Who knows.
Thanks for sharing!
Nursing all three of my babies was the best thing other than birthing them that I’ve experienced. My last little baby is 2 and is still going strong breastfeeding.
Yay for boobies!!
YAY!!! Go you guys!
That last one is so spot on for me! I was just wishing the other day that I had gotten hubby to take pics of me bfing my little one. I miss those special times so much now (my daughter is approaching 3) and have no good pics of them. She actually talks all the time about how when she was a baby she drank Mommy’s milk. Makes me miss it even more.
Great post! Found you through @Lins610, and yes, I know she is the cat’s pajamas! Getting ready to meet her in person for the first time and am SO excited! 🙂
Loved reading this… I nursed/pumped for nine months and you know what? I didn’t love it but it worked for us and for Brady. I supplemented at three months when he was hospitalized and I lost my supply but I will tell you that when people question my choice to nurse I got frustrated. I don’t buy in to the whole “breast is best” thing but I do believe in doing what is best for your family unit. It hurt, it was frustrating in the first few weeks being tied to home and always being attached to him or my pump, but I would not change it. Not for one minute! With #2 due in three weeks, I will be back in the thick of the “boob” world. I just hope I don’t forget everything!
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