That time I ranted about America over at Pickles and Paisleys
Little Miss Katie over at Pickles and Paisleys sent out a request for Southern mamas last week and I gladly threw my hat in the ring but then I had some trouble coming up with content. What does it mean to be southern anymore? I mean there is sweet tea (BA gave a quick recipe the day before me) and grits but how do you ‘act southern’ anymore? Well go check out my solution for a better America. Well maybe that and a government that isn’t full of twatwaffles. Baby steps.
Well let me be clear…not country music…not a fan but what I mean is, we need more old school southern attitudes in this country. I am originally from the foothills of the Appalachian mountains in NC. Not a tiny, one-stop-light kinda town, but a small town nonetheless. And while I don’t politically agree with most of the area, I do miss the hospitality the South is kinda known for. Continue reading after the jump!
I need some kind of Florida blog since Florida is in the south but not southern.
Like I grew up drinking sweet tea and eating at Chick-fil-A and Waffle House but then there are the old people and trailer parks.
Check out Mae’s post on Katie’s blog from earlier in the week 🙂 She covered the Floridian angle 😉