1-2-3 Way

Well I have some exciting news. I have been asked to be a contributing writer for Project Marriage! I really enjoy their blog and am happy to see people sharing tips on how to improve their marriage. We know it isn’t easy street but we can use this online community to get us out of ruts and back into action (hubba hubba). Today is my first post…hop on over and check it out.

About 6 months ago, we welcomed someone to our marriage. After a lot of thought and even more hectic nights, we came to the reasoning that we needed help. A decision like this has never seemed more obvious until after the fact. Our new friend has helped us be more decisive, improved our evening routine and influenced our child rearing. Besides making for a spicier marriage, we have time to snuggle now! There is no jealousy. There is no resentment. There are fewer battles over who is doing the dishes. My only question is why didn’t we do this YEARS ago. All the passive aggressive nights and hemming and hawing would have been saved…{continue reading}

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