Good Finds for Good Friday

I have a hodge podge of things from the week that don’t warrant their own post but together, give you a glimpse into how scatter brained I really am. Some are funny. Some are informative and some are BOTH. Enjoy!


toystory walking dead

source: imgur

Years ago my OB actually opened my eyes to the fact that the plot of Cars is exactly the same as Doc Hollywood. Think about it. Well today this has turned viral. The Walking Dead is essentially Toy Story 1-3…so far.


source: The Oatemal

We love Louis CK in our house. His comedy is hilarious and so real life. He is vulgur as hell and likeable..I like to think I am little like that. 🙂 Funny enough someone posted a video of a bit he did about gay marriage this week. So perfectly Louis CK wrapped up in a small bit and so how I feel about equal rights. WHY DOES GAY MARRIAGE MATTER TO ANYONE? Then the Oatmeal did a series of comics this week of just drawings of quotations he liked. One was Louis CK . Hehe,. Enjoy a short rant. NSFW

Then I saw a image going around on Facebook about the advantages of drinking water first thing in the morning. It reminded me of this scene from Food Matters talking what just water can do for you. I try to drink a 20 oz bottle each morning when I get ready. Easy to do and great for you. I have long thought {before my food doc overdose} that society doesn’t drink enough water. I know a large number of elderly people are constantly battling dehydration. Water can give you energy, keep headaches and even poop {note old people and prunes for exhibit A}. So drink more water…simple thing…always good for you. JUST DO IT.

Lastly, let’s talk about Dinosaurs. I have talked about Landon’s love for Dinosaur Train before but Kenny, or the cheese hating @smonkyou to some of you, decided to write Dr. Scott a letter to get some facts straight. Priceless.

“I’m guessing diggers have found evidence of the train, as well as the documentary footage used in the show, but has anyone been able to figure out the technology of time travel that they used? Is that what’s in Area 51? If you told me would you have to kill me? If the answer to the last question is yes I prefer not to know.” – Kenny

THEN I read more The Oatmeal and saw THIS. A DINOSAUR HOTEL!!!! I alerted Kenny to this awesomeness and he pointed me to Dr. Scott’s twitter account that showed me he LIVES NEAR THE DINO HOTEL. The world is complete. Good Friday, indeed.

P.S. Remember my Anti-Bucket list? Well today is Laura’s 39th birthday. She is giving her last year before 40 bucket list complete with doing donuts and eat Taco Bell.

2 thoughts on “Good Finds for Good Friday

  • March 29, 2013 at 10:58 am

    We love Louis C.K. too and just finished watching seasons 1&2 of his show. He seems like someone we’d actually like to hang out with. I hated Doc Hollywood, so I’ll try not to let that ruin my enjoyment of Cars 🙂

  • March 29, 2013 at 11:50 am

    GREAT. Now I have to plan a family vacation to Denver!?


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