Things I Love – Victoria’s Secret Self-Tanning Tinted Lotion
First thing’s first. I have a pale complexion Not fair but not olive. Just kinda ‘meh. I freckle {daywalker?} in the face and usually burn quicker than the husband. All that said, I like the way my skin looks with some color. But I also hate cancer. So tan in a can for me.
Some of you may be saying “wait you already wrote about sunless tanning” and to that you would be write. It is actually a pretty popular post but recently, I stopped being able to order it on Amazon. It was really gone gone. I wept. It was a mourning process but then I had to regear for summer. No one wanted to see my pasty ass.
I decided to try to stay with L’Oreal and tried their next level of more instant sunless tanning vs gradual. Sublime Bronze. While it worked well and tanned the hell out of me quickly, there were a few cons: stickiness and ability to mess it up. I always put on sunless lotion after a shower. Immediately. Your pores are open and the lotion will glide easier. The Sublime Bronze worked if I was stupid fast about it. If it started to dry in anyway, it would get sticky and not budge. Then it would look crappy where it stuck. It didn’t happen every time but it was still a pain. Then I would be sticky for another 30 minutes. Usually it wasn’t a big deal because I would just get ready in my birthday suit and be fine for clothes by the end but still. Blech.
So I was out shopping for other stuff and ran across this self tanner at Victoria’s Secret. I honestly have no idea why I decided to try it out. I knew nothing of it but the smell alone was pretty great. That was the main thing I missed from the Sublime Glow. A pleasant scent going on (note they are all going to have a smell once they process on your skin..just chemistry folks but it helps if it didn’t smell shitty to begin with). It is made with avocado oil and goes on so smooth. It is a bronzer so it is DARK when it comes out the bottle (just like Sublime Bronze) and has some shimmer to it for evening out your complexion. I love the immediate color and the end result. I do it about every 3-4 days and I feel like that works well. I don’t get to a weird color and still have a glow. I also try and do a sugar scrub on my skin once or twice a week to help.
Sunless Tanning Tips
- BLEND BLEND BLEND – Keep rubbing it in until it is hard for your hand to move anymore. On your arms, start with more at your shoulders and work down to your wrists. You want the least amount there because you don’t want a line when you was your hands. I also blend onto the top of my hand a bit to work against that. Same for legs and ankles.
Remember the tops of your feet. Trust me.
- Don’t wear something nice that day. It is going to get off on it. Most of my stuff I don’t give a crap but just know that.
- For better results, shave on the day you are applying. Sugar scrub can help even out rough spots that tend to soak up more and get darker. Exfoliate those elbows, folks!
- Use a tiny bit mixed with moisturizer for your face. It will give you color without over doing it. I do this more often in the week since I wash my face more.
- Need more skin tips? Check out my post on glowing.
Happy Tanning!
Adding three tips to your list:
1. If you use a dry baby wipe (or a cotton swab, but I prefer the dry baby wipe) to rub it into/around your fingers and toes, you’ll be able to blend it in easier and less risk of harsh lines.
2. Don’t forget behind your knees and your arm pits. Those places get subtle sun too, and it’s obvious when you skip over them.
3. Should you get weird lines or grabby places, a pumice stone is great. It might take a few scrubs over a few days to get the color completely smooth, but it will work.
I’m partial to Banana Boat’s Summer Color sunless tanning lotion. It seems to give a smooth color.
But. I’ve not tried anything new since finding it years ago, because why mess up a good thing?
They aren’t making the Loreal anymore?!?!? I’ve been using it for years. I think I have 2 tubes left. I will have to try the VS since I have a complexion similar to yours.
I cried a little too 🙁
Good luck finding the VS, our local store does not carry any seft tanners
any more and I’ve found it to be my favorite for a natural looking tan, not orangey at all.
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