Mini-Post Monday – Cheese!
So last Wednesday, I started my new photography class through Raleigh parks and rec with my new friends Suz and Dawn. We met for a quick bite and then got to class. The class is 3 hours, 1 night for 3 weeks. The instructor is a little intense but I think he knows his shit. He runs PERC. In the first night, I learned plenty I didn’t know. I learned a lot from Dawn! Teacher, shmeacher. Of course I have the lowest end camera in there. It is a little depressing when the woman asking what ISO is has one of the nicest camera’s in the class. FML. We do get to do hands on exercises, which is nice. I got some shots of Dawn and Suz. Be sure to check out Suz’s blog for pics of me 🙂

We have homework for next week. I thought I was done but I realized that I didn’t do one of the sets right….so I have to get with Dawn to do mine today…so more to come.
I leave you with my stunning model, Aly:

Fun photos Brandy. You can see I need my roots touched up in the one with Dawn. 😛
Beautiful model & cool homework photo. See you Wednesday!
I always see people out with super duper fancy pants SLRs and lenses using them on Auto. Can’t wait to hear what you think at the end of class!
I love the pic of Suz (and Dawn) at the bottom where they are looking at their cameras. Their faces are all “ISO, what??”
Great work!
Haha. They were checking out their awesome menu options that I lack. Le sigh