Leap Day Landon

On Leap Day, Landon was in rare form.  No whining. Car ride home full of telling me his day and singing.  Come home to play in the yard until Daddy got home. Then while daddy was sitting on the steps, he crawled up to be just like him. Magic hour…sunset to the face… GRAB THE CAMERA YOU FOOL! I ran in and got a SUPER cooperative toddler. He was hamming it up.

Pensive toddler is pensive


Classic toddler photo
Usual Landon "smile"
His Peeps (get it?)
Wiggling his nose...obviously
BOOM cute
Wasn't as clear as I wanted by precious
When did he get to be 6

8 thoughts on “Leap Day Landon

  • March 2, 2012 at 11:10 am

    He looks so much older than he did just a few months ago! He’s adorable.

  • March 2, 2012 at 1:14 pm

    Like seeing your photography mojo back. Crop that photo of Kevin and Landon, put it in B&W and you have instant fucking classic.

    Remind me to show you how to set your focus points on Sunday. With super fast young kids, I find it easiest to set the center point as the focus point, focus on the eyes, then recompose. Tack sharp and then you won’t lose focus like on the second to last photo.

    • March 2, 2012 at 2:10 pm

      Well that would be nice except that lens(1.8) doesn’t autofocus on my body…so it is a constant refocus on my end. With him moving, it takes even more patience. This is why I need a new camera body 🙂

  • March 2, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    the ones of him are awesome ’cause he’s a cutie; but my fave is him and Kevin 🙂 awesome job!


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