How to make egg mcmuffins for the masses

One day I was strolling through Pinterest when BAM I saw these bad boys:


I was in awe. I mean egg mcmuffins, super easy, from my kitchen AND I can make tons at once?!?!? I had to try. Round 1: I did 4 eggs in a 6 holed muffin tin at 20 minutes. Bad idea. Way over done and I forgot Pam. It took a good 3 washes to get that egg off. So rule #1, Pam those puppies.

Round 2:
I greased the tins and did 3 eggs at 15 minutes. Perfecto! Nicely cooked without the rubberiness of round 2. I toasted the muffins in the toaster oven and put shredded cheddar cheese on them. Nom nom nom. Easy as pie. Enjoy!

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