The Cheese Stands Alone…
Only news in the household is that Kevin is in a 12 day marathon of training and test taking. He is in class from 8:30am to 8:00pm everyday for the next 9 days. He is trying to get his MCSE certification. So he takes an exam every other day(that’s right..6 exams). He has already passed 1 and has another tomorrow. Thank goodness we didn’t have to pay for this training($8000). Thank you, once again, SAS.
But with all this class taking, I am home alone with Jackster. I am trying to come up with new recipes to try and I even made some asparagus tonight! Today Jack and I played frisbee when I got home. He is getting so much better about bringing it back! Well as that was probably the highlight of my day, I will make this a short entry :).