Random Ramblings
I can’t really put together a thought provoking post in the little pockets of time I have so I figured I would just give you the cliff notes version of my thoughts.
Spring keeps coming in random days and teasing us. We have been playing outside so much and we just love it. Our driveway is a good distance from a non-busy street and a cul de sac across the street we can bobsled the wagon into. We have been taking wagon rides on the weekend and even made neighbor friends with kids just their age. It’s what I dreamed about. Kevin and his dad took the old garden the previous owners had and redid into a fire pit. Hopefully we can break that bad boy in this weekend. I’ve added Christmas lights to the ivy and cleared out flower beds with no idea what to do with them. I even found a play kitchen in the abandoned tree house I want to scope out.
- Taxes blow.
A few weekends ago I escaped alone to Greensboro to go to my college roommate’s baby shower and since I was there, I had my long-time twitter friend, Lindsey, drive up from Charlotte to finally meet after all these years. Landon and her daughter at exactly 1 month apart and used to Facetime when they were teeny. Her husband JP helped me in the first days of this little old blog moving data and setting up WordPress. It was a fun night to get away from responsibility and just have fun. We got pedicures, went to Natty Greenes and shopping…and we never stopped talking. We can’t wait to meet up again!
- I had a birthday. Landon made me a dinosaur from paper. Kevin got me my favorite book series (I have been waiting to read the last one) and a new arm band for running. I treated myself to Stitch Fix that should arrive next month. It was a quiet way to ring in 31. Just fine with me.
Ollie has found he loves Elmo (or Momo). God help us.
- I have been stupid busy at work but it’s always fun to see it really have an impact. While this wasn’t a project I worked on, I still am so proud to work with these people. We have a series of videos for beginning Spanish. It is the adventures of Sabo who travels through time to learn basic vocabulary. I had youtube up on my phone tonight and our newest popped up so I decided to show Ollie. He was infatuated. Then Landon came to watch and asked for more before bed. SQUEEEE
Landon uses more construction paper than should be physically possible. His favorite things are to make books and cards for his friends. We just send off cards to friends this week with drawings of sharks, trains and racecars. I think it was a hit. The books range from dinosaurs to Ironman to whales. Kid has a wonderful imagination.
- Had my annual lady Dr. appointment and he tried convincing me to get another IUD. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No.
- I am hoping with the warmer temps and new fit neighbors, I will be able to start running in the AM. It is the HARDEST thing to do sometimes but the feeling of being done with a workout before everyone stirs is exhilarating. I gotta get my butt in gear.
- Mangoritas will be my downfall to said running. I can FEEEEEEL it.
- 3 of my 4 bridesmaids are pregnant with their first right now. I can’t describe the feeling of just being done with that and being like “you guys have fun”. How did I get to be the old maid by 30?
- I have volunteered to be webmaster for pesnc.org. While I am probably stretching myself thin, I really want to help out such a great group. The more aware the people of the Triangle are of such a wonderful group the better. It can be a safety net for a lot of us…I know it was for me. If you are looking for a group for you or another new mom struggling, please contact me to see about the services they provide. INTERNET HUG.
So yeah. Bunch of random. Ya welcome.
this is exactly how my mind works 🙂 must be the engineering mom commonality!
I’m curious/nosy…what’s the book series?
The Giver Quartet http://www.amazon.com/Giver-Quartet-20th-Anniversary-boxed/dp/0544112008
I fell in love with The Giver whenever we read it in middle school. I bought it as an adult and read it again! I’ll have to take a look at the other books.
Do you know they are making a movie based on the book??
Ha yes, my sister and one of my best friends are both pregnant with their first. Definitely feeling a lot of “you guys have fun with that” over here too 🙂