Mother’s Day 2014
My mother’s day was pretty great, I have to say. Sunday morning we met up with Kevin’s parent’s neighbor who is starting a photography business and in need of models (photos to come). I happily accepted. Imma brag a little bit as a mom/wife and say my family is pretty kick ass to take pictures of. We know the smiles. We know the angles. We make ridiculously cute kids. Kevin has been noted multiple times that he is a dream dad in those situations. He can distract kids. Smile on cue. He just knows what to do. He isn’t just standing there pissed off or lost. I am truly grateful and that’s why I offer us up.
We wandered around JC Raulston Arboretum for the first time and the boys had fun looking at tad poles and fish, climbing on rock walls and just running around. They did a great job truly. We came home and Kevin made the boys lunch (probably my favorite part of the day honestly). They went down for nap and Beth Anne and I went for pedicures and a trip to Homegoods. I came home and Kevin made enchiladas while I drank cocktails and played with the kids in the driveway. It was a great day and I loved doing so many things for just me.
I’m lucky to be their mom and they make me a better person hands down. I will leave you with Landon’s survey all about mom:
My Mom – Landon, Age 4
What is your mom’s name?
How old is she?
Um. I don’t know. Um… maybe, I don’t know. 5?
What color are her eyes?
What color is her hair?
Um, brown.
What is her favorite food?
What is her favorite color?
What kind of car does she drive?
Red car.
What does your mom do while you go to school?
Drops me off. Goes to work. Picks me up.
You guys do have a ridonkulously cute family.