Mini-Post Monday – 5K
Last Wednesday was National Employee Health and Fitness Day. Here at SAS, we make it big. There is a health fair for vendors and on site services. You can talk to the nutrionist and the health care folks(yeah we have them all on staff). There is a raffle(which I got a prize but I don’t know what it is yet!), seeing eye dog trainers, coupons, and more! Anyway, there is also an annual 5K around campus at lunch time. This was my first 5K when I started running 4 years ago. I had just started to run a little when it came up then. I remember I ran the whole thing but I was slow. It took me like 38 minutes. I would also like to mention that campus is SUPER hilly. Like freakin mountains. Well I can show some improvement….Wednesday, I did the race in 29: 25! And that is on no training…I have been running maybe once a week since the half. So to me, this is pretty dang impressive. I was 15th fastest woman! So yippee!