Happy 8th Anniversary via Home Decor

We ushered in year 8 with a newborn and came out with a toddler. We got promotions and one got a new job. We survived life with a 3 year old and happily traded that in for a more independent prekindergartener. We put our house on the market and sold in less than 2 weeks and bought a new house the next day. Now we are knee deep in boxes and Clorox wipes but loving little things about our new life in the woods. So instead of gifts (Lowes takes all our monies), Alicia lovingly stuck with me over iMessage last night and helped organize the mantel as a celebration of such an event. We met at NCSU and made our life in Raleigh. It was fun to unpack boxes of stuff I didn’t know what to do with before. Now I do :). So I give you, the Anniversary Mantel:

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetFrom left to right:

1. Cross stitch of Mr. Wuf circa 1980 from Kevin’s grandparents

2. NCSU Belltower (Skyward by ReplayPhotos)

3. Raleigh print (Deco in downtown Raleigh)

4. Large frame from Target. Picture is of Central Park leaves on our honeymoon.

5. Glass frame (?) and photo from dating years.

6. Our wedding cake toppers (Mr. and Mrs. Wuf)

7. NCSU Sign (ReplayPhotos)

8. NC canvas (Deco in downtown Raleigh but you could DIY)

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