How To Start Twitter
Follow Fridays are kind of a thing of the past but I thought I would bring it back today to help convert some folks. Twitter can be an amazing place. I’ve met my best friends there. I’ve helped people. I’ve laughed. I’ve cried. I’ve talked so much shit it’s ridiculous. But I digress.
In the past people have tried to join based on my recommendation and they get overwhelmed. I realize it can seem like walking into a crowded lunch room but with that analogy in mind, try and just listen. Just join and listen. Decide what you like it for and what you don’t. People aren’t going to just start talking to you because you follow them…so don’t get those expectations. It takes time to find your groove…just like that lunch room.
I think the first step in Twitter success is seeing how YOU want to use it. It may not be like me. You may NEVER tweet but only use it to respond to people. You may use it to only communicate with some friends. The world is your oyster. So I’m going to layout some ways to use twitter and a few recommended follows to get you started
The Library/Newspaper
This one is the most obvious. Follow news outlets (please God not Fox News), local channels and even magazines. You can get snippet headlines all day to keep up to date.
Huffington Post – They have a variety of flavors from world news to entertainment to parenting. They even have a list for happy things.
Here's why you'll buy the new iPhone 6
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) September 11, 2014
National Geographic – They have great human interest pieces and stunning images. Also follow them on Instagram for some spectacular behind the scenes stuff.
Has one of "Canada's greatest mysteries" been solved?
— National Geographic (@NatGeo) September 11, 2014
The Comedy Club
Following comedians is another populate choice. One liners at their finest. I laugh every day at Twitter.
Rob Delaney – if there is a winner for Twitter, it is Rob Delaney…period.
Apple is giving out the new U2 album because it was easier than having my grandparents take you all out to a salad bar.
— rob delaney (@robdelaney) September 11, 2014
Patton Oswalt – He took the summer off but HE IS BACK YALL.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) September 9, 2014
POLL: Are You Planning To Buy The iPhone 6? | 14% of respondents say, "What choice do I have?"
— The Onion (@TheOnion) September 10, 2014
The Mom’s Group
This one is obvious for me. It’s why I joined Twitter in the first place. I was lonely in the night at all those feedings. It slowly became a safety net to bounce questions off of and then bitch about our kids. Coming up with a list here is a toughie. I follow a lot. It is also a world where you make your own little tribe. So I will just list out bigger time ladies and you can usually find a Twitter button on most mom blogs you like. Start there.
6 year old shouts "Suck my dictionary" in public today. Many awkward conversations follow.
— Jill Krause (@babyrabies) September 1, 2014
Broken promises smell bad too #methodbreathoffreshair @methodtweet
— Ilana Wiles (@mommyshorts) September 18, 2014
The Tech Wire
Computers are the wave of the future, you guys! Keep up with the fast paced nature by reading 140 character headlines.
The Local Guy
Follow local businesses and groups to keep a beat on what is going on. Follow the kids museum for special events. Follow breweries for specials. There is a world of possibilities. Sports teams, fairs (the NC State fair is great), venues are great ways to see things to do over teh weekend. Since I am the Raleigh/Durham area, here are a few of my favorites:
Good morning! My name is Will and I'm a senior at NC State. I heard about the baton from my friend @mdickey17 …
— RDU Baton (@RDUbaton) September 19, 2014
Explore the wonders of Walnut Creek with fun for all ages at the Festival in Motion.
— Raleigh Parks (@raleighparks) September 15, 2014
Quick hit report from @KimZdanowicz on Oscar William Cotton Candy of Apex. Cool company.
— RaleighCo (@RaleighCompany) September 17, 2014
Hear that? That's the lovely sound of all the children in school. You are welcome, Wake County.
— Wake County Schools (@WCPSS) September 9, 2014
So get out there and make up a silly handle and get what you want out of the Twitters. And I mean we are infinitely cooler than you Facebook friends and we don’t even make you automatically watch videos 🙂