The Old Switcharoo

aparentingproductionYou guys…my husband? He is pretty freakin awesome. He can find an “app for that” in a quick minute. He can vaccuum the SHIT out of the house. He can make a mean spaghetti. He can rock some skinny jeans worthy of panty dropping. But recently, he brought his talents to the arena of preschool nonsense.

Remember the woes of the demanding artist? Yeah, so that still happens. Kevin does Landon’s drop-off every morning now while I take care of Ollie. So, bless his heart, he takes most of the meltdowns and tantrums. He still gets into a routine of asking for us (mainly Kevin) to draw things. Percy, Dinosaur Train, Lighting McQueen. We have tried all kinds of things to get him to draw or at least get him to help. It is never foolproof. It usually ends up with the classic “one more, please?” and an epic scream that follows. Crayons are thrown, we are hit, tears are a-plenty. It is soooo draining. We needed an intervention.

Then? Kevin had a brilliant plan. It was midday at work when I recieved the email to share a Dropbox folder with him. I open it to find TONS of coloring sheets. Well I got pretty excited. I LOVE COLORING but alas, not for me. Kevin’s new plan was to print out a huge stack of character coloring sheets (Thanks PBS Kids and Nick Jr!) and each morning, he would get 1 to take to school and color. The next morning, he unveiled the plan.  Landon was ECSTATIC! He got to show off his cool new coloring sheet with Dinosaur Train to his friends!!!! It has been going for a few weeks now and is still going strong. And the beauty? When he starts to get bored with the selections we have? WE JUST GO FIND THE NEW HOTNESS! Tired of Dinosaur Train? MARTHA SPEAKS. Tired of Thomas? YO GABBA GABBA! The possibilities are endless. It has potential to work for a long time to come.

So here’s to a genius husband who came up with a kick ass plan. Gold star to you, my dear.

What’s your Gold Star? Come link up with Erin over a A Parenting Production each week to share your Gold Star moments.

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